How to invest smart in IT through crisis

Dark clouds are gathering and it’s time to prepare for a tougher business climate.
But despite the rising inflation, supply constraints, and security policy worries, four out of five CEOs are expecting to increase digital technology investments in 2023, according to Gartner’s 2023 CIO Agenda.
That’s equal parts encouraging and scary.
Of course, it’s reassuring that the wheels keep on turning, but let’s also be aware not to overinvest or prioritise investments that won’t push your organisation forward.
Investing in your digital abilities can absolutely bolster your organisation’s competitiveness and make it more resilient in times of crisis. And we wholeheartedly believe that smart digital investments will benefit your organisation both short term and long term.
But to meet the expected results, you need to invest intelligently and choose projects that’ll give you the most effect.
Between a rock and a hard place – investing in your infrastructure
So, how do you choose which parts of your digital landscape to invest in?
For some, the choice of where to focus is almost made for them. A couple of major CMSs will go End of Life within the next year, and that has profound consequences. Umbraco 7 and Sitecore 8 are significant components in thousands of infrastructures, and their users now need to plan new steps.
However, upgrading your CMS is no small undertaking. And especially in time of crises, it can seem a daunting task. There is no waiting, though. If you don’t upgrade or migrate, you’ll be facing considerable security risks, since the CMS versions won’t be maintained and security wholes won’t be fixed once they go End of Life.
Check out our blogpost: Make legacy great again
While some use this as an opportunity for a complete infrastructural overhaul, that might not be an opportunity for all. Especially not in time of economic uncertainty where associate cost of a full overhaul can become unmanageable.
But you don’t have to choose all or nothing😅
If you’re one of the many organisations feeling the pressure of being on an End of Life system, maybe you should consider a less invasive strategy that gives you the opportunity to ease up on the process of changing infrastructure.
Set yourself up for a flexible move – or a quick migrate
If End of Life is pressuring you to make changes, Enterspeed can ease the process, so you don’t need to change everything at once. That’ll take the pressure of, as you don’t make any stack upgrades until it makes sense for you to do so, and the business case is well-functioning.
You can also make the actual data migration from EOL CMS to whichever new one you choose.
Enterspeed is tech agnostic. We don’t data discriminate. So, no matter if you opt for new sources or build on legacy, no matter your choice of CMS, PIM, ERP or whatever, and no matter which frontend framework you prefer, we’ll fit right in.
Check out our blogpost: CMS going End of Life? 3 steps to lower risk upgrading
Three benefits to a flexible move
What you really want to do, is focus on a flexible strategy that’ll keep you competitive. And that might not be a completely new tech stack.
Instead, choose a process that will:
☝️keep you secure by design
✌️minimise expenditures
🤟maximise performance.
☝️Keep you secure by design
Security is a must-solve-issue if you’re on an End of Life CMS. You cannot stay secure on a non-maintained CMS, and that’s a main reason why so many organisations are feeling the pressure to upgrade. It’s not just a tech matter but a business matter.
If you build on Enterspeed, your infrastructure becomes secure by design. It’s a way for you to move existing data into a secure by design environment without having to start from scrats on a new infrastructure.
✌️Minimise expenditures
By opting for Enterspeed, you’re not only given the freedom to migrate to any CMS – you’re also getting the freedom to choose one without heavy licensing costs and hosting. If you move aways from a licensed CMS to an open source, you can save a lot on expenditures.
Also, you won’t have to spend buck loads on caching, hosting, and performance optimisation of your backend systems.
And just as important – you can save a lot on development! Enterspeed minimises the need for custom builds, which is often complex and time consuming both in the development and in maintenance.
🤟Maximise performance
Set yourself up for better performance by choosing the right Speed Layer (pssst… could be Enterspeed. Just saying 😉).
Because Enterspeed helps minimise the load on your sources and speed up your performance, you can boost your customer experience.
And why is performance a worthy investment to prioritise in a meeker economy? Well, performance has significant impact on your online competitiveness as a significant parameter in your Quality Score.
Check out our blogpost: Are you geared for a downhill market?
Don’t let it overwhelm you
So, there you have it. If you feel torn between the pressure to upgrade your infrastructure and the pressure of an economic downturn, you might benefit from a flexible digital strategy that’s not all or nothing.
Invest in a strategy, which allows you to become flexible, secure, and high-performant at your own pace – and simultaneously gives you short term competitive advantages such as minimised expenditures and maximises performance.
Want a quick talk about your upgrading and migration options using Enterspeed?
Book a meeting with CEO Toke Lund.

CEO and Partner at Enterspeed. Speaker on digital transformation and the future of Enterprise tech. Loyal lover of Liverpool! ⚽❤️